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Is every hockey coach an entrepreneur?

Rudy Mendoza, FIH Master Coach, Argentina

Nowadays, the word “Entrepreneur” seems to have become a very cool or fashionable expression, I come to wonder if every coach, and in our case every hockey coach, is indeed a entrepreneur. However, what is a business entrepreneur anyways? These are the definitions of some of the leaders in the subject (according to Inc.com):


Now, let’s try to solve out if a hockey coach is also an entrepreneur…

1st definition: “An entrepreneur is someone who, rather than working 8 hours a day for someone else, would prefer to work 18 hours a day for (him or herself)”. In our case, we could say that a coach, a true passionate coach, would dedicate his energy, effort, creativity and passion to his team and players. Are you that kind of coach?

Marc Lammers, FIH Master Coach, Netherlands

2nd definition: “An entrepreneur sees an opportunity which others do not fully recognise… they have unquenchable self-belief that this opportunity can be made real… they learn the lessons along the way.”: A winning coach will convince his players and those ones around him that they can achieve anything however, he will learn from the defeats and setbacks. A successful coach will not stop for anything until making the dreams come true.

3rd definition: “the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled”… Resources = team, players, club, equipment, staff, etc. The pursuit of sports victory with the use of these resources, that is what a coach should do.

FIH Master Coach, Ric Charlesworth, Australia

4th definition: “An individual who assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture and is seen as a leader and innovator of new ideas and processes…” Coaches need to be leaders and part of assuming this role, is being responsible for the personal mistakes and proud of the results of hard work.

5th definition: “People who run their own companies, the self-employed or small-business people…” A coach must be able to think for himself and run his team (company).

In conclusion, a passionate, compromised and spirited coach, will always be an entrepreneur or, at least, have most of the personal qualities of a successful self-made business man…


By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net