z - hockey families-argentina

GALLERY: The Hockey Families Of Argentina – 2

Carlos Retegui and Juan Gilardi:
Carlos Retegui is a former international player, a former women’s national coach and the current coach of the Argentinean National Team: Los Leones. Juan Gilardi is one of the strongest defenders in the world and they share one link: they are cousins.


Pablo and Jorge Lombi:
Pablo is a former national coach and international player. His brother, Jorge, is one of the best attackers in the history of the sport and one of the best players to master the drag flick.


Carla Rebecchi and Jorge Lombi:
Carla Rebecchi is a national team player and one of the main names that define the winning generation of female hockey in Argentina. Jorge, as previously stated, is a former national player and once, one of the best attackers in the world.

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By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net