Charlotte Harrison: Speed and power for a perfect goal!
Charlotte Harrison displayed a really good performance during the 2015 World League Finals in Rosario, Argentina. Her skills helped the New Zealand Blacksticks to achieve a spot at the final game where they unfortunately lost against Argentina. Despite that result, the New Zealand hockey team was able to win a historical silver medal.
In this action, Charlotte Harrison took the ball and accelerated to the opponent’s circle and smashed the ball across with a forehand hit making the ball ball between the goalkeepers’ feet!
Charlotte Harrison Hockey Facts:
Charlotte Harrison was born July 1989. She has competed in the 2012 Olympic Games and at the 2006 and 2010 Commonwealth Games. Harrison was first selected for the Black Sticks Women in October 2005 on the back of her performance for Northland in the National Hockey League that year. At the time, she was 16 years old, making her the youngest ever player selected for the Black Sticks Women.
You can follow Charlotte Harrison on Facebook and Instagram. You can also check the Twitter @harrisonsisters account of the Harrison sisters (Samantha and Charlotte).
Charlotte has two sisters: Samantha Harrison and Anita Harrison., Both Charlotte and Samantha played for the New Zealand Black Sticks Women’s team since 2009. Both Harrison sisters are very similar physically, therefore Samantha decided to dye her hair a bit brown in the middle of 2010 just to make sure that she would not get confused while on TV.

Charlotte Harrison studied at the Whangarei Girls’ High School. She also studied beauty therapy at the Auckland University of Technology. She is a player of the Southern Districts Club which is located in Auckland. In addition she playes for the Northland team at the NZ National Hockey League.