- StoriesField Hockey DrillsHockey Ejercicios

Improve you push pass strength and accuracy with this drill!

hockey-ejercicios-logoIn this video we can see a drill by Alberto Ruiz Castillo, coach of the Spanish club Real Club de Polo. In this exercise players must focus on improving their push passing technique by aiming at precision and strength on the ball.

Technical points to be made by the coach:
1.- Low body position at the moment of the pass.
2.- Receiving the ball with the body in line with the pass.
3.- Pre-scan and visual communication with the teammate while on the move.

Challenges to be set during the drill: How many passes can the players make within 1 minute? Which player is able to complete 20 passes first?

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By Pablo Mendoza

Pablo Mendoza is an FIH Hockey Academy Educator and the owner of A Hockey World. Contact: pablo@ahockeyworld.net