4 Drills Training Indoor Session: Outplaying overload in attack (DRILL 4)
Exercise 4: 3 vs. 2
To practise 3 vs. 2 (+goalkeeper)
- make 3 teams of 3 or 4 players
- two goalkeepers in the goal if present
*the white team (A,B en C) plays a 3 vs. 2 against the brown team (D en E)
* after a goal or when the ball is intercepted or out of bounce, the brown team plays a 3 vs. 2 against the other white team
* only two players of the white team defend; etc
* this game goes up and down; every time a 3 vs. 2 is played
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* use the space by positioning wide and deep; prevent a 1 vs. 1
* play the ball round on a high tempo
* defend compact; give each other back up
* defend close to the circle so that the goalkeeper can support
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